Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Term one comes to an end!

It hard to believe that the end of term one has come around already!

The students have worked very hard and are achieving some great results already.

Next term we will be looking at Inventors and Innovations which I hope will e very interesting for everyone. We will also be studying a novel.

Please remember that students can log into Readtheory at any time, this is a very good website which allows students to improve their reading comprehension by answering questions about a text. Students should also be completing Mathmate and their spelling lists and activities every week.

I hope everyone has a very safe and enjoyable holiday! I am really looking forward to term 2.

Kind regards


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

A very warm welcome to Room 14.

I am looking forward to a fantastic year with our wonderful class!

We will be having a 'Meet the Teacher' evening on Thursday 16th February, commencing at 6pm in the hall. I hope to meet many of you then.

Our class trip to Piha will take place on Tuesday 28th February. Please could we have permission forms back as soon as possible. Any parent help would also be appreciated.

Your children have also brought home an aquatic activity consent form, please could this be completed and returned to school as soon as possible.

We have two Korean international students, Jake and Yuna, in our class until the end of February.


Once start-of-year testing is finished, students will be bringing home maths and spelling homework every week. I would like students to read for at least 20 minutes a night and to learn their times tables as thoroughly as possible! Students are currently researching Pompeii as a homework assignment, this will be due on Friday 24 February.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any comments, questions or concerns, I have an 'open-door' policy and am happy to meet with you!

I look forward to meeting you soon.

Kind regards

Nina Laher